9 pobočiek

300+ zamestnancov na celom svete

30+ jazykov

190+ špecialistov na lepidlá

O spoločnosti WEICON

Vo WEICON-e vyrábame špeciálne výrobky pre priemysel od roku 1947. Náš rozsiahly sortiment zahŕňa špeciálne lepidlá a tesniace tmely, technické spreje, ako aj vysoko výkonné montážne pasty a mazivá pre všetky oblasti priemyslu - od výroby, opráv a údržby až po servis. Okrem chemických výrobkov vyvíjame a predávame vysoko kvalitné odizolovacie nástroje pod značkou WEICON TOOLS.

wide range of products

Široký sortiment výrobkov

Sme obzvlášť hrdí na našu širokú škálu viac ako 400 produktov. Týmto spôsobom môžeme vždy ponúknuť to správne riešenie pre aplikáciu všetkým našim zákazníkom a záujemcom, ktorí pochádzajú z najrôznejších priemyselných odvetví a oblastí. Okrem našich vysokokvalitných lepidiel zahŕňa náš sortiment aj technické spreje a technické kvapaliny, montážne pasty a vysokovýkonné tuky, ako aj naše odizolovacie nástroje WEICON TOOLS.

"Sme hrdí na to, že dostupnosť produktu je vyššia ako 99 %."

Ralph Weidling, CEO

available worldwide

Dostupné na celom svete

Produkty WEICON sú dostupné na celom svete. Prevádzkujeme deväť medzinárodných pobočiek a zastupuje nás viac ako 1200 obchodných partnerov vo viac ako 120 krajinách. Takto vám môžeme ponúknuť celosvetový servis. Ďalej sme každý rok zastúpení na veľkom množstve národných a medzinárodných veľtrhov, kde prezentujeme naše výrobky, inovácie a našu širokú škálu služieb. Neustále sa prispôsobujeme požiadavkám našich zákazníkov, praxi a životnému prostrediu.

„Je pre nás samozrejmé, že sme na správnom mieste v správnom čase a ponúkame našim zákazníkom správne produkty.“

Arash Younesi, Export

certified employees

Certifikovaní zamestnanci

Iba s dobre vyškolenými zamestnancami je možné ponúknuť našim zákazníkom najlepšie rady a presne tie služby, ktoré potrebujú. V oblasti vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy úzko spolupracujeme s IFAM v Brémach a uskutočňujeme rozsiahle školiace kurzy pre našich zamestnancov v kancelárii aj v teréne.

„Našou každodennou úlohou je neustále sa rozvíjať. Iba ako tím môžeme zaistiť spokojnosť našich zákazníkov.”

Vitali Walter, Sales Director International

intensive sales support

Intenzívna podpora predaja

S radosťou odovzdávame našim zákazníkom naše rozsiahle odborné vedomosti vo forme prednášok, individuálnych produktových školení a školiacich kurzov. Okrem kurzov odbornej prípravy sú k dispozícii ďalšie nástroje technickej podpory. Náš vyhľadávač lepidiel poskytuje orientáciu pri výbere správneho lepidla a aplikácia WEICON poskytuje všetky dostupné údaje o našich výrobkoch kedykoľvek.

„Našou motiváciou je úspech vašej spoločnosti.”

Jan Pfingsten, Area Sales Manager

extensive range of services

Komplexná ponuka služieb

Radi vykonáme testy lepidla s vašimi vzorkami materiálu v našom laboratóriu a vykonáme dokonalý výber lepidla pre vaše individuálne použitie. Okrem podpory prostredníctvom školení a testov lepenia ponúkame mnoho ďalších služieb, ktoré si môžete prečítať v našom servisnom sprievodcovi. Našim zákazníkom ponúkame rôzne displeje a regály, ako aj rozsiahle brožúry o atraktívnej prezentácii našich výrobkov v špecializovaných predajniach. Okrem toho radi poskytneme obrázky a videá a doručíme naše dokumenty v rôznych jazykoch.

„Pre nás je samozrejmé, že vidíme obchod očami našich zákazníkov.”

Martin Ligart, Research

commitment to sports

Športové nasadenie

Už roky podporujeme kluby a podujatia v rôznych oblastiach. Vo futbale sponzorujeme množstvo profesionálnych a amatérskych tímov, napríklad Borussia Dortmund. Vo vytrvalostných športoch podporujeme tímy aj podujatia, ako napríklad tím WEICON Tri Finish, Münsterský maratón, alebo beh Ökullus.

“Tímová práca vedie k úspechu.”

Ralph Weidling, CEO

WEICON Branches

WEICON products are available worldwide. Next to our headquarters in Muenster, Germany, we run nine international branches and are represented by over 1,200 distribution partners in more than 120 countries. That way, we can offer you our services worldwide. Since 2022, the JELN Imprägnierung GmbH from Schwalmtal, Germany has also been part of our family business. Learn more about our various branches here.

WEICON Middle East

Dubai, United Arab Emirates | since 2005


On March 1st 2005, our first branch office, WEICON Middle East LLC, was founded in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Meanwhile, more than 750 customers are supplied and supported by the WEICON Middle East team. Adhesive specialists, trained at the Fraunhofer Institute in Bremen (Germany), flexibility and extremely short delivery times are just a few of the many strengths of our team in the United Arab Emirates. Even at summer temperatures of up to +45°C, over 1.000.000 different WEICON products have been sold and shipped to our customers in the region.

The following countries are currently supported by the WEICON team in Dubai: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, India, and eleven countries in East Africa. The branch office has an area of approx. 1.100 sqm. Up to 150 pallets with WEICON products can be stored in Dubai. This enables us to guarantee that our customers are supplied locally, quickly and reliably with our products.

Thorsten Lutz and his team are responsible for the distribution of WEICON products and the technical support of our customers in the entire Gulf region. The team at WEICON Middle East consists of twelve employees, six of whom work as field sales representatives.

WEICON Middle East L.L.C. · Jebel Ali Ind Area 1 · P.O. Box 118 216 · Dubai · United Arab Emirates

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Ontario, Canada | since 2008


Since September 1st 2008, WEICON is represented in North America by WEICON Inc. in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

We supply customers in the most important branches of industry of the Canadian economy, e.g. production and manufacturing, mining and the oil and natural gas industry, with our products.

WEICON Inc. has office and storage space of approximately 320 sqm. More than 30.000 WEICON articles intended for our customers in North America are stored here at 50 pallet stations and on additional shelf space.

WEICON Inc. · 20 Steckle Place · Unit 20 · Kitchener · Ontario N2E 2C3 · Canada

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WEICON Türkiye

Istanbul, Turkey | since 2011


Since April 2011, WEICON has been operating a branch office in Istanbul, Türkiye. WEICON Kimya Sanayi Tic. Ltd.Şti. provides support for our customers on the Bosporus.

With its millions of inhabitants between Europe and Asia, Istanbul is the ideal location for our branch office in Türkiye. Our customers and partners in neighbouring countries are supplied with WEICON products from there as well.

The branch office has a large storage area. This assures that our products are available and enables us to guarantee that customers always receive our products quickly.

The team of the branch office under the leadership of Tolga Aksöz is responsible for providing our customers in the region with service and support.

WEICON Kimya Sanayi Tic. Ltd. Şti. · Orhan Gazi Mahallesi 16. Yol Sokak No: 6 · 34517 Hadımköy-Esenyurt · İstanbul · Türkiye

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WEICON Romania

Targu Mures, Romania | since 2012


Our branch office in Romania was founded in March 2012. In 2013, it has been relocated to a new building.

The registered office of WEICON Romania has been located near Targu Mures in the heart of Romania since November 2013 . Our employees in Targu Mures currently support numerous customers throughout Romania.

The warehouse stocks the whole Weicon product range, which ensures that customers are supplied quickly and flexibly with our products.

WEICON Romania SRL · Str. Podului Nr. 1 · 547176 Budiu Mic (Targu Mures) · Romania

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Cape Town, South Africa | since 2013


In November 2013, we founded our African subsidiary WEICON SA Pty Ltd. in Muizenberg near Cape Town

Branch Manager, Peter Leibbrandt, oversees a team of ten well-trained employees including sales representatives in Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. This way, we can ensure that our customers receive the best and direct service from our team.

In addition to South Africa, our office in Cape Town also serves the neighbouring countries of Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia.

Our flexibility and a very short delivery time are our strengths and distinguish us from other competitors on the market. Our branch has an area of approx. 220 sqm. The warehouse in Muizenberg has space for up to 45 pallets of WEICON products. This enables us to guarantee that our customers are supplied with products quickly and reliably by the WEICON team on site.

WEICON SA (Pty) Ltd · Unit No. D1 · Enterprise Village · Capricorn Drive · Capricorn Park Muizenberg 7945 (Cape Town) · South Africa

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WEICON South East Asia

Singapore | since 2015


WEICON South East Asia Pte. Ltd. – our branch in Singapore.

At the end of 2015, we opened our international branch in Singapore. The team of our branch office is responsible for the support of our customers in South East Asia.

Our location enables us to quickly react to growing demands and to support the interesting and challenging projects in this region.

Thanks to our team, our on-site warehouse and our network of local distributors, we can ensure fast delivery and personal service.

WEICON South East Asia Pte Ltd · 7 Soon Lee Street · #01-11 iSpace · Singapore 627608

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WEICON Czech Republic

Teplice, Czech Republic | since 2016


In March 2016, we founded our 7th international branch in Teplice in the north of the Czech Republic.

The Czech Republic is a very interesting market with great economic potential. The country has been member of the European Union since May 2004. Now, 13 years later, it is one of the most developed industrial nations in Central and Eastern Europe. The Czech economy is strongly oriented towards the industry, in particular the automotive industry, metalwork and engineering, the chemical industry and the food and beverage industry. This provides a strong market for our products.

WEICON Czech Republic s.r.o. is the name of our branch. Its headquarters are located in Teplice, in the north of the Czech Republic close to the Czech-German border. The branch is managed by the local manager Vladimir Dufek. Since 1993, German entrepreneurs have invested almost 20 billion euros in the Czech Republic. Germany is the most important trading partner of the country, almost a third of the foreign trade are business deals with Germany. Ahead of Russia, the Czech Republic holds the 12th place of Germany‘s trading partners (source: Federal Statistical Office).

With the positive development of recent years, the strong economic position within Europe and the third lowest unemployment rate in the EU, the Czech Republic was able to convince us of its local advantages.

WEICON Czech Republic s.r.o. · Teplická 305 · 417 61 Teplice-Bystřany · Česká republika

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WEICON Ibérica S.L.

Madrid, Spain | since 2017


In early 2017, we founded our 8th international branch in Madrid, the capital of Spain.

The head of our branch, Alejandro González Cámara, and his team are responsible for customer services as well as customer acquisition in the Iberian Peninsula.

Spain is one of the most important European industrial nations and it is very important for us to be present there. Significant economic branches within the state are the foodstuffs, automotive and mechanical engineering industry. These areas are continuously expanding and indicate good growth figures. We benefit from this development through our new branch in Spain.

Weicon Ibérica Soluciones Industriales S.L. · Av. de Somosierra 18, Nave 6 · San Sebastián de los Reyes · 28703 Madrid

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WEICON Italia S.r.L.

Genova, Italy | since 2018


In October 2018, we founded our 9th international branch in Italy.

WEICON Italia s.r.l., which is the name of the new branch, is situated in the Italian port city Genoa on the country’s northwest coast. By founding our new international branch, we will consolidate and further establish our position in the Italian market. „We are looking forward to a very promising future in Italy,“ says Ralph Weidling.

“Italy is a very interesting market for us, which we have been involved in for quite some time now. The country is one of the biggest industrial nations in the world and it is extremely important for us to be present there. Italy’s most important economic sectors are the machine, aircraft and vehicle construction industries, the shipbuilding industry as well as the chemical and textile industry, and the manufacturing of electronic products.

Therefore, Italy is a big market for our products. With our new branch in Northern Italy, we want to take advantage of this positive situation,“ Weidling further explains.

WEICON Italia S.r.L. · Via Gelasio Adamoli, 35 · 16141 Genova · Italy

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We support:


In 2007, we started our support of the German Bundesliga team of Borussia Dortmund. Since then, we have also been members of the Business Club 09. In 2011, we launched the WEICON BVB Special Edition - 14 different WEICON products in a black and yellow design - the colours of Borussia Dortmund.

This range of special products includes for example a cable stripper, a repair adhesive for football-shoes, a cockpit spray, a foam cleaner and a "Championship Trophy Cleaner", a spray for the cleaning of stainless steel.


Since 2007, we have been the main sponsor of the soccer team of TSV Handorf, close to Münster.


Since 2005, we have supported the junior teams of Gelb-Schwarz Hohenholte and have been sponsor of advertising boards at the Teltheide stadium.


Since January 2016, we have been the main sponsor and namesake of the Münster-based triathlon club “WEICON Tri Finish Münster”. 
With more than 250 members, the club is both the largest triathlon club in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and one of the most successful. The professionals even compete in the Bundesliga, but they are of course joined by many competitive amateurs. Training is better together.


We are main sponsor of the triathlon club Tri Finish Münster and of the triathlon for children, the KIDMAN. 
Since 2019 we are sponsor of the KIDMAN Children's Triathlon in Muenster. At the sporting event for the little triathletes, different distances are covered depending on their age. The KIDMAN took place in 2019 for the 18th time.


Since 2007, we have been sponsor of the Volksbank Münster Marathon. 
Many employees of WEICON enjoy sports and take part in the marathon relay every year. Every year we register up to ten relay teams for the marathon in our home town. Some staff members even run the full distance every year. This means that more than one third of the entire staff took part in this well-known Münster sporting event – definitely a number to be proud of!


Since 2008, we have supported the City Triathlon in Münster.  
Every year, some of our employees take part in this sports event to compete with other sportsmen in swimming, cycling and running.


Since 2014 we are silver partner of HAWKS Racing from Hamburg. The team starts in the Formula Student and we support them with our products. 
The Formula Student Germany (FSG) is an international design competition for students, which has been organized annually since 2006. Teams of students from all over the world compete with their self-constructed racing cars.


We have been sponsoring the team of USC Münster since the end of 2022. 
The first women’s team of the volleyball club even competes in the Bundesliga! With nine championship titles, eleven victories in the DVV Cup and four titles in the European Cup, the team is one of the most successful in Germany.


We have been official sponsor of the soccer team Preußen Münster for years. 
As a Münster-based company, our involvement with Preußen is a matter close to our hearts in order to support local sports.